Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Nazar Battu

@Home A nazarbattu aka Evil Eye Warder (India) is used on the door to guard against the evil-eye.
Warning: What follows is a rant

By the way (totally unrelated) I watched gulaal today, Anurag Kashyap's latest movie. He totally stinks in that movie. Take my word and dont watch the movie. The movie lacks clarity, precision and is not even artistic. I liked his No Smoking for its true surrealist format. Even Dev D for that matter captured the young urban and grungy lifestyle. I really do not understand the idea behind this movie. Is it the struggle of a Rajput( played by the Menon guy) for his Rajputana identity? Somewhere between the movie, I felt the sheer madness of all the characters, adding up first and later rising exponentially. Obviously the end of such a reaction would be a dooms day. The movie is more like a collection of short ten minute stories in bits and pieces.
The Good thing is that I saw the movie at home and while seeing it, I drew the thing you see in this post. I am totally irritated, like my test bunny bang bang.
Holy Crap, go watch the movie if you want to end up being miserable like me.

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