Since my brother is suffering with Schizophrenia, I have been going over some articles online. I am actually looking for support groups/ rehab centers/ hospitals that provide treatment for patients suffering from Schizophrenia. The link is for an article on the facilities that are coming up/ currently present in India. I found it quite informative and hence sharing it as a post on my blog
Any kind of information/ links/ guidance on Schizophrenia will be highly appreciated.
You can personally contact me on my email id: or leave me a comment, in case you want to get in touch with regards to Schizophrenia.
Surabhi, I feel for you I really do.
My family has been through a terrifying ordeal due to the fact that my brother was diagnozed with schizophrenia himself 4 years ago. We've lived through many many horrying moments daily due to circumstance and his reluctance to take his medication.
I can tell you stories and stories.
It's important ppl with schizophrenia seek professional help and be treated with medication.
Good luck with your brother Surabhi and if you want to ask anything, please do because even family members need the support.
Oh sad,sorry to hear about your brother.If I see anything I will surely forward it to you.Take Care!
@Arty, @Becky Thank you so much friends for your support. I found out about Richmond Fellowship Society in India, which a few doctors and friends have recommended. I plan to meet them soon to discuss what would suit my brother. Since he is 25 now, its important that he learns to manage himself now. If possible seek any kind of training/job after he comes to live with me. I know it would not be easy but I have the will to be with him. Thank you so much guys for your good wishes. It really means a lot.
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